
Oct 27, 20235 min read
A New Initiation - I AM the Resurrection and the Life
Let's view the death and resurrection of Lazarus as preparation for a new and life-changing initiation now available to all.

Aug 30, 20235 min read
Who is I AM?
Who is I AM? The I am sayings in the Gospel ofJohn - an intrduction

Jun 16, 20236 min read
Death is the Soul's Renewal Never an End - the fifth station
Dying is part of the soul's continuing journey through the physical and spiritual realms

May 4, 20175 min read
What Mary Magdalene Knew – Part Two
This discovery has not happened of course. It’s something I like to imagine. But could Mary Magdalene have left behind such a personal...

Apr 28, 20174 min read
How Do The Arts Keep Wonder Alive?
I don’t think Picasso meant that everyone should make a career practising an art form.