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Helen Martineau
'Re-imagining the wisdom of the ages for now'
Wisdom cannot be learned. Wisdom is not in books. It is an acquisition given to you by the Holy Ones. It is acquired though much pain and many tears in previous incarnations as well as the present one. Mario Schoenmaker
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Helen Martineau
The Arts and Spirit
The Feminine Soul and Spirit
Remimagining the Wisdom of the Ages for Now
Wisdom cannot be learned. Wisdom is not in books. It is an acquisition given to you by the Holy Ones. It is acquired though much pain and many tears in previous incarnations as well as the present one. Mario Schoenmaker
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Hi, I’m Helen Martineau. I am a storyteller, teacher and arts lover with a store of wisdom gleaned through a lifetime of seeking. Along the way I have found universal ethical values and truths within many spiritual traditions. These are eternal and exist beyond the outer forms. They belong to the higher self.
Today there is an an emergent spiritual consciousness even if people aren’t aware of it yet or say they aren’t religious. The new spirituality is based on those eternal values. Yet deeper knowing has gone underground. There’s a strong current, a powerful secret river. Wisdom will reveal what is hidden.
These are spiritual realities, the wellspring of our creativity and individuality and are at the heart of the soul's quest to find the essence of self. In this age there's a great need to bring them into the light. Especially imperative now is to restore the vital place of the feminine aspect of the divine.
The world needs her if we are to regain inner harmony and move towards an integral and unifying culture that does away with dichotomies – masculine/feminine; science/religion; my tribe/outsider; us/them and more.
Join me in exploring the myriad ways that the wisdom of the ages can transform and enrich us on our lifelong journey towards wholeness.
You can find out more about me in the bio.
When we open the doors to spiritual knowledge an awe-inspiring landscape spreads out before us. It's vast, and there is so much to discover. Subscribe to receive regular posts, as I add to these paths into a land of wonders.
Musings for the Journey is about us - body, soul and spirit. Posts will follow spiritual markers, events and seasons in our lives. These are the way stations for pilgrims, who like the Fool in the Tarot, shrug off the world’s illusions and step out to seek the Holy Grail, the gold at the end of the rainbow, the pearl without price that is the true self.
Feminine Soul and Spirit explores the vital role role of the divine feminine in her myriad expressions for our soul's initiatory dance of life.
Mary Magdalene has been important as my inspiration for the feminine path in the Christ mystery. She is a central subject of my novel Marriages of the Magdalene.
You can access deeper insights about the meaning of Mary Magdalene as visionary and guide for the ages in my dedicated website Magdalene Christianity (via banner).
The Arts and Spirit has a dedicated page introducing the arts as doorways to the spiritual realms. The posts in Musings explore how the diversity of artitistic expression discloses the reality of spirit. This is for all lovers of the creative Muse, as she continually, and often surprisingly, reveals herself, and connects with my book Prodigal Daughters.
Check out my musings and blog posts and feel free to leave a comment. You can connect with me on my Facebook page below
or contact me directly at

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